Waves – Renaissance Channel

Waves Renaissance: 10 classic Waves plugins, heard on countless hit records. The warmth of analog, the precision of digitalIncludes compressors, EQ, reverbs, bass enhancement and more

(Waves Description)

Hey Labfans! Today we will be analyzing Waves R-Channel!

Let’s see what’s going on inside! 😀


Here are the settings used for this analysis  (No expander, Gate)

We will be also be switching between Rvox Comp and RComp.

If you are new to the lab post ,read this https://www.gearevu.littlefishaudio.com/must-read-welcome-to-my-lab-updated/



Since this the FR/ phase are flat. I have introduced some equalization settings (above) to observe the equalizer/compression interaction.

Wow new graph? Well almost… If you already read the previous post, you should have seen this step type plot.

Here we can observe how the frequency response changes when we gradually introduce compression by lowering the threshold from minimum to maximum. (That is because Eq is pre comp, post comp remains static)

The Top Blue line is the original FR and the bottom one the result of maximum threshold aka compression. The in between lines represent the steps of the threshold from min to max.

Now if we switch to Rcompressor the graph looks like this 


Well this is the EQ Phase (no compression) the big rotation is from the high pass filter that indicates that it exceeds the 12db/octave.


Well I defiantly didn’t expect that!

As we have observed in the past posts, compression most of the time tends to create side – effects such as Harmonics usually 3rd order ones, but we can see here that the graph is clean!

My guess is that, this must be some sort of special implementation as it defies the basic principles at which most digital compressors abide to. I have to note that the buildup beneath the fundamental is odd, but aside from that this compressor is one of the cleanest I’ve seen.

The same applies when switching to Rcomp.


(messurment performed with bypassed EQ, Comp only)

We can see here that the compressor envelope has a really soft knee, something close to opto if you’d like to think in these terms. It is only logical to have a linear envelope since the response is linear;

The same applies for Rcomp.


Well what we have here is a channel that includes two very clean soft knee compressors & clean equalizer!


– If you enjoy the Lab! Please like & share!



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