1. Score Printing
Studio One 5 introduced the new Score View. New in version 5.1, users no longer need
to send their scores to Notion to print a basic score with single or multiple instruments.
Notion is still required to create lead sheets with chords and lyrics and a separate update
for Notion (v6.8) is available for improved data exchange between applications.
Printing in Studio One is now supported for any number of tracks, from single instruments to full
orchestral arrangements. The new page layout and track/staff options provide full control of the printed
output. This includes page size, orientation, margins, notation size and staff/system spacing. These new
settings will also all transfer to Notion 6.8 where you can do more advanced music layout and editing.
In the Single Track Layout, you can also choose to use the new ‘Multi-measure
rests’ tool to group together empty measures and save space on the page.
Other Score View Improvements include:
• Key Signature Changes. The Score View will reflect any Key Signature changes added to Studio
One’s new Signature Track. These will also transfer to Notion when sending a score between applications.
• Staff Presets. A complete library of staff presets is available for added convenience. For example,
you can just apply ‘Alto Saxophone’ staff preset to your track and it will automatically set up your
track name, track name abbreviation, clef, staff type and correct transposition.
• Staff Settings. As well as presets, you can of course set your own staff settings. Score View now
provides additional options such as name, abbreviation, staff type (e.g. a ‘grand staff’ for piano)
and transposition.
• Display Transposition. Display Transposition allows you to change the transposition independently
for each staff without affecting the actual playback. This is an essential layout feature, specifically
for transposing instruments such as horn, trumpet and even octave transposition instruments such
as guitar or piccolo. You can also opt to view a score in either transposing or concert pitch at any
time, by checking ‘Enable Transposition.’
• Alternative Score Views. In addition to Continuous view, version 5.1 now provides alternative Page
and Single views. Page view is a preview of the full score of the enabled tracks in page mode. Single
view is an optimized view for single instruments and ideal for printing parts for individual musicians.
• Noteheads selection. Noteheads can now be customized, and can be chosen from: crosshead,
slash, triangle, crosshead circle and diamond.
2. Retrospective Recording
Creativity can strike at any moment whether you’re recording or not. With Retrospective Record, you’ll never
miss another great idea, perfect phrase, or killer hook again. From the moment you enable an Instrument
track, Studio One will capture every note, controller movement, and parameter change whether you’re playing
back your recording or just noodling on your keyboard–independently for each track! All you have to is press
Shift + Record (*) and the last performance will be added as an Instrument Part on the current track.
When events are captured while the transport is in Play, they’re stored with the correct timestamp
so they’ll be recalled right where you want them. If you have Input Quantize enabled, it will be
applied as well. Depending on the record mode and settings, events played while looping a section
will automatically be recalled into multiple takes and made available for further editing.
Retrospective Record also works while the transport is in Stop and events are stored
with a timestamp relative to the current cursor position. Once you press Play and start
sending notes, the Retrospective Record buffer will reset so the events are never mixed. This way you can noodle around with
an idea without a metronome, press play to engage a click and begin capturing your idea in time… and vice versa.
3. Powerful Track/Channel
search and filter options
Managing large projects with a huge track and channel count is now faster and easier than ever with the
addition of powerful search and filter options. Tracks can be filtered by typing text or use the new filter
options: Show All Tracks, Show Selected Tracks, Show Tracks with Events Under Cursor, and more…
Additional filter options are available as commands only so they may be assigned to keyboard shortcuts, macros, or
buttons on Studio One Remote. Filters can be used to optimize workflows in a myriad of ways. For example, composers
can create powerful shortcuts to their orchestral templates, such as “show violins only”, “hide percussion”, and
more. A new Macro Page “Track Visibility” has been added to the Macro Toolbar to showcase these new functions.
We also added an independent Undo list exclusively for visibility changes. You can also choose to filter link the filter for Tracks and
their associated Channels inside the Console. Best of all, you can save the visibility state at any time using Mix Scenes.
4. Bypass option for Clip
Gain Envelopes
A much requested Bypass option has been added to Clip Gain Envelopes.
Bypass disables the Clip Gain Envelope while preserving its settings. This
option is available when you right-click on any Event with a Clip Gain Envelope.
Alternatively, you can use the same button in the Event Inspector.
5. Combined Time and Key Signature Track
Instead of having a fixed song key signature, key signature changes can now be placed anywhere on the
timeline. This replaces the original song key signature. The key signature display inside the Transport Bar
displays the current key signature at the play cursor position. The update combines the time signature and
key signature lanes into a new, global Signature Track, which holds both time and key signature events.
On the Song Page, users will find additional buttons on top of the Track Controls. Click on the fifth button to show/hide
the new Signature Track. Click on the + Symbol to add a Time or Key Signature change at the current cursor position.
10. Extended integration
with ATOM controller
ATOM users will certainly welcome to see these new features
and improvements included with Studio One 5.1:
• 4 Banks of assignable Encoders
• 4 Banks of assignable Pad Commands
• Scales in keyboard mode
• Open Note FX editor option
• Replace instrument option
6. Secondary Timeline Ruler option
Another popular feature request from our user base: an optional secondary Timeline
Ruler is now available at part of the global tracks area of the Arrangement. The secondary
Timeline Ruler can be used to show minutes:seconds alongside bars and beats–especially
useful for film composers and anyone else working on music to picture or podcasts.
7. Global Tracks in Editors
Global Tracks can now be displayed inside Editors and used as guides when editing audio
or Note Events (in Piano View and Drum View). Marker Track, Arranger Track, Chord Track,
and the new Signature Track are supported. These are display-only (no editing).
Inside the Audio or Note Editor, users will find the new Global Track Visibility button left of the
timeruler. Click and select any of the Global Tracks you want to display inside the editor.
8. External Instruments
support on Show Page
External MIDI instruments are now supported on the Show Page. If an External Instrument is
used by a Virtual Instrument Player, Patches can include program change and bank change
messages. Users will find Program Change / Bank Change parameters in the Player/Patch
column after an External Instrument has been added to a Virtual Instrument Player.
The Show Page also now features an Edit Indicator for Patches. Patches that have
been edited after loading or saving are now indicated with an asterisk (*).
9. Ampire/Pedalboard update
Ampire and Pedalboard plug-ins have been updated with two new pedal effects:
Compressor and Gate. These basic “utility” fx are helpful companions for controlling
gain and noise inside an fx chain and eliminate the need for additional plug-ins.
Drag & Drop of stomp box fx is now supported between instances of Ampire
and Pedalboard. FX pedals are copied with their current settings
10. Extended integration
with ATOM controller
ATOM users will certainly welcome to see these new features
and improvements included with Studio One 5.1:
• 4 Banks of assignable Encoders
• 4 Banks of assignable Pad Commands
• Scales in keyboard mode
• Open Note FX editor option
• Replace instrument option
At a glance
Recording and Mixing
• Retrospective Recording
• Track/Channel search and filter options
• Bypass for Gain Envelopes
• Drag & Drop send chains
• Highlight active Mix Scene
• Alternative views for Instrument Panel
Arrangement and Editing
• Secondary Timeline Ruler option
• Key Signature changes
• Global Tracks in Editors
• Score Printing
• Score View: Key Signature Changes
• Score View: Staff Presets
• Score View: Staff Settings
• Score View: alternative views
• Score View: Noteheads selection
• [Impact XT] Colorized events in Pattern Editor
Live Performance
• Edit indicator for Patches External instrument support for Patches
Plug-ins and Instruments
• Ampire and Pedalboard updates
• Drag & Drop between Ampire and Pedalboard Workflow
• Search function on Start Page
• Transfer song key signature using ARA
• [ Project Page] Digital Release never adds a 2-second pause
• Improved ATOM integration
• 4 Banks of assignable Encoders
• 4 Banks of assignable Pad Commands
• Scales in keyboard mode
• Open Note FX editor option
• Replace instrument option
• [macOS] Switchable hardware graphics acceleration
• [Windows] High-DPI scaling option for plug-ins (re-enabled)
• [Windows] Improved user experience with
consumer-grade non-ASIO audio devices
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