Focusrite – Midnight Compressor

Again I will start with.. 

” Focusrite’s new Midnight plug-in suite takes two of the most iconic Focusrite modules of all time – the ISA110 equaliser and ISA130 compressor; models their sound exactly with powerful DSP technology; and gives them elegant, functional on-screen front panels that make them simplicity itself to use. Now you can add that authentic, classic Focusrite sound to your own tracks at a price you can afford. Your productions have never sounded so good.”

Settings used for the measurements Above

If you are new to the lab post ,read this


fc1 Edit Content


Well Flat, the only downside was that the makeup gain steps just wouldn’t fine align that’s why it’s slightly below, right away the DSC will be linear aswell.



fc2 Edit Content



fc3 Edit Content

Alright let me give you some basic understanding of what you see, you either see a modeled THD which is so low you can’t even consider it THD, or harmonics created by only the compression which is a ”natural” phenomenon … I could have just ruled this THD off because of its Klirr, but instead I will proceed, in order to educate in something new.

Q: OMG do you mean digital can sound analogue by itself, because compressing digitally can create harmonics? And this is what we are looking for in this graph right? :O

A: No because here is what happens, Harmonics/Harmonic Distortion created by hard/soft clipping and compression are static in almost all level values, unlike analogue which has a very defined value for  each magnitude that interacts altogether. Digital has a static form in almost all magnitude points.

So is this a modeled THD or just a Compression Sideffect?

In order to be able to find this out, we need to create a dynamic test in the next test you can see the interaction of the THD from -18dB to +18dB

jYMhsf Edit Content

Yeap, this comfirms my suspicion, this is digital compression sideffects. In other words no analogue modeling THD.




This is a digital Softknee Compressor




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